Dearest Clients, Friends and fellow practitioners,

I would like to thank you for all your support and friendship you have offered me in my fight against

Con artist Maria Magdalena Nirenstein and, cash money mule Jens Johansson got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

I want every one to know that these mentioned above characters are responsible for destroying many innocent lives with their lies and deceiving ways. They also have ruined the reputations of several honest practitioners because of their spam attacks and posting so many false reviews on many websites such as the rip off report. Such hateful souls…

Like we say in America, every dog has his day, well your day has come, Jens and Maria. Pay the people back their money. Face it, you got caught.

My Message to these shady duet of thieves is this:
Your lies do not concern me. I am real and so is my name. There is nothing to hide. I operate a legitimate tax paying American business, I am here to STAY.

I do not Lie or Deceive my clients, I tell them the truth since day one. I offer no guarantees, no warrantees, and no hype. I inform my clients up front that the spiritual realm is unpredictable at times, hence some spells may not come to fruition. This is all over my website, in black and white for all to see and for all to read. I also offer no refunds, how can I when all the ingredients for a spell are completely consumed and used during the spell casting ceremony. Upon completions of all my spells I actually prepare and charge talismans and ship them to my clients. I am Aisha Haadi, I am the real deal, make no mistake about that fact.

I make no one purchase anything from me, nor do I lie to my clients to make them do so, I mean honestly, where is the scam in that?

I have indeed helped many people and they will attest to that. In fact I happen to have the number one spell casting service in the industry and a 95% repeat customer base.

Spell casting and love spells are supposed to be great spiritual endeavors meant to be beneficial for both the client and the practitioners. It is the responsibility of both, the practitioners and those who are using spiritual help to turn this industry into a safer market place, and make it cleaner, safer, and highly rewarding to all involved. Love Spells are supposed to be about love and positive energy. So all this negative energy needs to stop now.

Please stop the hating, it is consuming you.

Love, Peace and Light,

Aisha Haadi

PS: A few days ago I was contacted by a young man with the name of Toby G., a Vicitim of He and hundreds of Victims have started a Blog to bring down and to enforce the Money Back Guarantee, that was given to them when they ordered their spells.

If you are a victims of or any of the websites affiliated with please visit Toby’s Blogger at