About Aisha Haadi

My name is Aisha Haadi Marat Elfajer and I am the owner of www.Egyptian-Witchcraft.com where I offer authentic spiritual help to magic and spell seekers.  The Aisha Haadi Blog was created in 2006 to defend myself against a malicious attack and smear campaign that was launched by fake spell casting services to attract business to their scam websites by using my name and popularity within the spiritual community.

This Blog has come to an end as of 2007 as I decided to completely withdraw from all the negativity that was bestowed upon me and my clients.

Those of you that have found the Aisha Haadi Blog will find the following information:

My last posting on the Aisha Haadi Blog

The Aisha Haadi Blog is coming to an End

Words of Wisdom

Who is Psychic Dena?

Aisha Exposes Three Crooks and an Entire Spells Scam Ring

The Truth About Me and my Spell casting Service

False and Untrue Complaints against me

Legitimate Complaints against me

Untrue and Malicious Rip Off Reports

The Truth about my Guest Book

I do not ignore my clients

Why Spells are not Free

Exclusive Interview with Aisha Haadi Marat Elfajer

Aisha Haadi exposes a love spells scam ring

Don’t let the negativity consume you… In most cases Magic and Spell Casting is a wonderful experience to Spell Seekers as well as the Practitioners. Be careful who you put your trust into and NEVER EVER pay anyone by Western Union!

Wishing you best of luck in all that you.

My warmest wishes,

Aisha Haadi